Conecon: Our Cosmos of solar power plants

A selection of our completed construction projects



Our solar parks currently provide people with renewable energy on three continents. And there are more of them all the time. You can find a selection of the more than 170 projects we have completed in Europe, Africa, and Asia here.

selection of projects

Bambous, MUS
Bann Road, GBR
Benban, EGY
El Calaveron, ESP
Finow II, GER
Fürstenwalde, GER
Garnacha, ESP
Grange Farm, GBR
Halutziot, ISR
Hokkaido, JPN
Manapla, PHL
Montalto, ITA
Petro Green/Tarlac, PHL
Pobeda, BGR
Shams Maan, JOR
Ucea de Sus, ROU
Vine Farm, GBR
Williamsdale, AUS

You will
find Conecon

wherever the world’s largest solar power plants are being constructed.

2014 Bambous, MUS
2017-2019 Benban, EGY
2011 Finow II, GER
2023 Garnacha, ESP
2012 Kolarovo, BGR
2012 Pobeda, BGR


November 2024

Görlsdorf/Vierlinden, Germany

Görlsdorf/Vierlinden, Germany, November 7, 2024 – The groundbreaking ceremony marked the official start of construction for the Görlsdorf Solar Park. Conecon GmbH, a leading company in the construction of solar power plants, has been entrusted with implementing the project in close collaboration with EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG.

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May 2024

"Pato" Segovia, Spain

CONECON, a leading specialist in the construction of large-scale photovoltaic plants, is pleased to announce the contract with international solar development platform ib vogt to build a solar project named "Pato". The PV plant has a capacity of 110 MWp and is located near Segovia, Spain.

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April 2024

Gundelsheim, Germany

We are pleased to announce that CONECON has been awarded the contract by EnBW to build a 57.965 MWp photovoltaic plant in Gundelsheim. Construction began in March 2024, and the plant will be realized as a ground-mounted system on challenging terrain.

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